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Week 1


  • Project Setup and Running on Local Machine.
  • Understand the requirements of the project with the mentor and discuss a solution.
  • Map out the data flow

Screenshots / Videos

  • Setup the Backend and the Frontend Instance. Also configured the Frontend to use the local backend server for changes.

Django Backend Runnning on Docker

Frontend Instance running on Terminal

  • Data Flow for the Frontend API requests.

Frontend Data Flow



  • Gather the project requirements and get to know better about the CARE project and how it is being deployed in Indian States to automate medical services.

  • Understand the data flow of the project and see the process to know where and which data is being used in the frontend.

  • I don't have much knowledge about React and its components. So, I brushed up on the basics of Hooks like useState, useEffect, useReducer and Redux and its actions. All these had to be learnt to identify areas in the backend that lead to stale data (data which was not being used).